








14間全球最奇怪的飯店,只給喜歡新鮮感的冒險家遊客! 觀看人數:679  




1. 中國 四川省,峨眉山 熊貓旅館 (Haoduo Panda Hotel, Emei Mountain, Sichuan Province, China)

中國 四川省,峨眉山 熊貓旅館 (Haoduo Panda Hotel, Emei Mountain, Sichuan Province, China)


This hotel features everything panda related, including people in panda suits. We hope they leave at night. Besides the fact that everyone loves pandas, the hotel is within driving distance from the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. The founder of the hotel hopes that the hotel will help visitors become aware of the need for environmental protection.
這個飯店有所有熊貓相關的東西,還包括穿著熊貓公仔的人 (嗯…晚上應該會離開吧…)。

這個飯店也很靠近成都大熊貓繁育研究基地 (Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding),這個飯店的創辦人希望飯店可以幫助旅客、喚起他們的環保意識。


2. 西班牙 直布羅陀,直布羅陀森伯恩 (Sunborn Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Spain)

西班牙 直布羅陀,直布羅陀森伯恩 (Sunborn Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Spain)
這個飯店有所有熊貓相關的東西,還包括穿著熊貓公仔的人 (嗯...晚上應該會離開吧...)。<BR><BR>這個飯店也很靠近成都大熊貓繁育研究基地 (Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding),這個飯店的創辦人希望飯店可以幫助旅客、喚起他們的環保意識。<BR><BR>




義大利 馬泰拉,勒格羅泰德拉奇維塔酒店 (Sextiantio Le Grotte della Civita, Matera, Italy)

義大利 馬泰拉,勒格羅泰德拉奇維塔酒店 (Sextiantio Le Grotte della Civita, Matera, Italy)


The Sassi of Matera are a network of carved buildings dating to the early Middle Ages. This hotel is a restored set of 18 rooms, all adhering to a strict conservation policy. The rooms are candlelit and lack TVs and fridges to better preserve the historical atmosphere. They are all connected  terraces and stairways.

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3. 英國 罕布夏郡,岬堤堡壘飯店 (Spitbank Sea Fort Hotel, Hampshire, England)

英國 罕布夏郡,岬堤堡壘飯店 (Spitbank Sea Fort Hotel, Hampshire, England)


This sea fort was built in 1867 to stand in defense against the French navy. It was then converted into an exclusive hotel—exclusive in every sense of the word, as it sleeps 18, can only be reached by boat, and costs upward of £5,500. There are decks, a pool, a restaurant, bar, and fire pits. The windows used to be the gun ports.

現在它則是一個獨特的海上飯店,遊客只能乘船抵達,住宿費可高達26.9萬台幣 (£5,500元英鎊)。



4. 中國 內蒙古自治區,蓮花酒店 (Desert Lotus Hotel, or Sounding Sand Hotel, Ordos, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, China)

中國 內蒙古自治區,蓮花酒店 (Desert Lotus Hotel, or Sounding Sand Hotel, Ordos, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, China)


This hotel is in the middle of the harsh terrain of China's Xiangshawan Desert in Inner Mongolia. The area experiences both sandstorms and blizzards. The hotel is a feat of architecture and engineering, as it is anchored to the desert with no water or concrete, and the wall covering material is made from the desert's sand. It's not the typical vacation spot, but it's pretty incredible.


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5. 肯亞 奈洛比,長頸鹿莊園 (Giraffe Manor, Nairobi, Kenya)

肯亞 奈洛比,長頸鹿莊園 (Giraffe Manor, Nairobi, Kenya)


If you'd like to get to know some locals, Giraffe Manor affords you that opportunity. This house, built in 1932 on 12 acres of land, is home to many wild animals, including the Rothschild giraffe, warthogs, dik diks, and 180 species of birds. The giraffes are friendly, and can be found poking their heads into the dining room for a snack. The hotel is also involved in many conversationalist projects.

建於1932年、4.8公頃的土地,是很多野生動物的家,包括羅氏長頸鹿 (Rothschild giraff)、疣豬、犬羚、和180種鳥類。



6. 越南 大叻市,瘋狂屋 (Hang Nga “Crazy House," Dalat, Vietnam)

越南 大叻市,瘋狂屋 (Hang Nga "Crazy House," Dalat, Vietnam)


This hotel's organic, twisted design is what earned it its nickname. It's designed to look like a giant tree and is similarly nature-themed inside. It has animal-themed rooms, a sculpture garden, and plenty of balconies for perching. The rooms are connected by bridges, ladders, and tunnels, so you can really feel like a tree creature.





7. 印度 拉賈斯坦邦,尼梅拉堡宮殿飯店 (Neemrana Fort-Palace, Rajasthan, India)

7. 印度 拉賈斯坦邦,尼梅拉堡宮殿飯店 (Neemrana Fort-Palace, Rajasthan, India)


This hotel (formerly a palace and fort) was built in the 1400s high in Rajasthan's hills. It was renovated to become a luxury hotel with 12 stories and 7 wings, as well as hanging gardens, two pools, a spa, and a zip line. Visitors are encouraged to explore the building's hidden alleys and corners, but getting here requires a hike up to the fort.
這家飯店 (原先是宮殿及城堡),建於1400年間的高拉賈斯坦邦 (Rajasthan) 的山丘,它裝修成豪華的12層樓及7棟大樓的飯店,以及空中花園、2個游泳池、Spa、溜索設施。


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8. 西班牙 埃爾希耶戈,里斯卡爾侯爵酒店 (Hotel Marques de Riscal, Elciego, Spain)

西班牙 埃爾希耶戈,里斯卡爾侯爵酒店 (Hotel Marques de Riscal, Elciego, Spain)


This hotel's colorful, fabric-like design was created by architect Frank Gehry. It was made from silver, gold, and pink titanium. The building's unconventional style makes it a work of art itself. It's located in the north of Spain, in the Basque country.
這間飯店色彩斑斕,像布料的設計是由建築師Frank Gehry所設計的。



它位於西班牙的北部、巴斯克自治區 (Basque)。


9. 祕魯 利馬,不平衡酒店 (Hotel Unbalance, Lima, Peru)

祕魯 利馬,不平衡酒店 (Hotel Unbalance, Lima, Peru)


This precarious-looking hotel is currently in the works in Lima. The above images are artist renderings of the finished product. The hotel will be on Lima's Pacific Cliffs, a popular tourist destination. Its frame shape will allow for the view to remain as unobstructed as possible. Navigating the terrain for construction is the greatest challenge. The building looks as though it's about to plummet into the sea below, but it's actually all an optical illusion.
這個酒店看起來很不平衡,上頭的圖像是設計師的預設圖,之後這個酒店就會建於利馬的旅遊勝地太平洋懸崖 (Pacific Cliffs)。





10. 荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹,起重機精品酒店 (The Faralda Crane Hotel, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹,起重機精品酒店 (The Faralda Crane Hotel, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)


This hotel used to be an industrial crane, and is located in the former FDSM shipyard. The hotel only has three suites, located in what used to be the crane's machine room, which is about 50 meters in the air. There's an outdoor jacuzzi overlooking the city. If that isn't exciting enough for you, you can also bungee jump from the top.
這個飯店曾經是個化學起重機,並位於之前的FDSM 造船廠。


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11. 德國 伯布林根,V8飯店 (The V8 Hotel, Böblingen, Germany)

德國 伯布林根,V8飯店 (The V8 Hotel, Böblingen, Germany)


Who says you're too old for a car bed? Everyone? Well, not at the V8 Hotel. This hotel is entirely car-themed, with rooms designed around classic, vintage, and modern autos.


12. 荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹 贊丹,中心因特爾飯店 (The Inntel Hotel, Amsterdam Zaandam the Netherlands)

荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹 贊丹,中心因特爾飯店 (The Inntel Hotel, Amsterdam Zaandam the Netherlands)


This hotel is a monument to the region's history. Its exterior is designed to look like a mashup of traditional houses in the Zaan area. Each room is themed to represent one aspect of the area's history, with accompanying murals on the walls.



13. 美國 愛達荷州,狗吠叫公園飯店 (Dog Bark Park, Cottonwood, Idaho)

美國 愛達荷州,狗吠叫公園飯店 (Dog Bark Park, Cottonwood, Idaho)


This hotel doubles as Idaho's most popular roadside attraction. Husband and wife team Dennis and Frances own this four-legged inn and made the money to build it by selling chainsaw-carved wooden sculptures (of dogs, of course). They then decided to open this bed and breakfast. It only offers two rooms, but breakfast is free and guests get dog-shaped cookies on their pillows. The beagle structure that houses the rooms is named "Sweet Willy" and has the distinction of being the world's largest beagle.
這個飯店是愛達荷州很受歡迎的地標,Dennis和Frances夫妻檔擁有這棟4隻腳的飯店,他們以販賣木雕 (沒錯,當然也是狗) 的錢來建了這個飯店。


這個米格魯造型的飯店叫做「Sweet Willy」,也是世界上最大的米格魯。


14. 玻利維亞,薩爾宮殿酒店 (Palacio de Sal, Boli)

玻利維亞,薩爾宮殿酒店 (Palacio de Sal, Boli)


The Palacio de Sal is located on Boli's Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt desert. The salty sand itself was used to create this 48,000 square foot hotel, after being pressed into bricks, as seen above the bed in the top picture. The hotel is about $135 a night, and features a golf course and spa treatments.
薩爾宮殿酒店位於世界上最大的鹽漠:烏尤尼鹽沼 (Salar de Uyuni)。


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住宿費大約一個晚上4,100元台幣 ($135元美金),還有高爾夫球場跟Spa水療。













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