全球赫赫有名的希爾頓大酒店很多人都有所耳聞,卻沒有機會一睹其內部的極盡奢華,但是有關這座酒店首任經理的故事,卻已經被人們傳為佳話:當遇到需要幫助的人的時候,你是否願意停下來為他們想想辦法?或許在不經意間,受幫助的不僅是別人,而是還有你自己… 這是發生在美國的一個真實故事: 一個風雨交加的夜晚,已經很晚了,一對老夫婦走進一家旅館大廳,想要開一個房間。 前台服務生回答說:「對不起,我們旅館的房間都已經客滿了,一間空房也沒有剩下。」 可是,看出兩位老人當時非常的疲憊,而且無比失望時,這位服務生一想:這大深夜的,一對老人在這樣一個小城裡,別的店估計也都客滿打烊了,難道讓他們流落街頭嗎?於是這位服務生就把兩位老人帶到了一個房間,對他們說:「這房間也許不是最好的,但是湊合著住吧。我也只能給您兩位提供這樣的服務了。」 兩位老人一看,眼前是一間整潔乾淨的屋子,當然很高興的就住了下來。 一宿無話,到了第二天,當兩位老人到前台結帳的時候,服務生對他們說,不用結帳。
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為什麼呢?原來這兩位老人住的是這位服務生給他們提供的自己的住處。 老人聽到這裡十分感激,對他說:「沒有這個屋子,你怎麼辦呢?」「我人年輕,一宿沒睡沒什麼就當加班了。」 聽到這裡,兩位老人相當的感動,說:「小夥子,叫我怎麼說呀,你真是我們老兩口見過的最好的服務員。我們怎麼報答你呀!」 服務生笑了笑說:「這沒什麼,兩位儘管上路吧,祝您們旅途愉快!」於是服務生就這樣告別了兩位老人,過了幾天就把這件事忘得乾乾淨淨了。 過了幾年,突然有一天,服務生接到了一封信,打開之後發現裡面是一張去美國紐約的單程機票。上面還有簡短的留言,大意是:「歡迎你來到紐約。
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按照信上所說的這個地方,自然有好事情等著你。」服務生一看,心裡想,反正有人報銷機票,就當旅遊了。服務生也沒想太多就這樣來到了紐約。並按照信中所標明的路線去到了那個地方,曼哈頓第5街及34街的路口,抬眼一看,眼前是一座金碧輝煌的大酒店,而站在門口接待他的就是當年他接待過的那對老夫婦。 原來這對老夫婦是有著億萬資產的老富翁和老富婆。「小夥子,還認得我們嗎?從那天晚上我就看出來你是個人才。告訴你,這座大酒店是我們專門為你買下來的,就交給你管理了,我相信你一定能把它管好。」 這位服務生驚奇莫名,說話突然變得結結巴巴:「你是不是有什麼條件?你為什麼選擇我呢?你到底是誰?」 「我叫做威廉·阿昋特(William W. Astor),我沒有任何條件,我說過,你正是我夢寐以求的員工。
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William Waldorf Astor 

當時接下這份工作的服務生就是喬治·波特(George Boldt),一位奠定WALDORF-ASTORIA華爾道夫飯店世紀地位的推手。 」 這就是後來全球赫赫有名的希爾頓飯店的第一任總經理走馬上任的真實故事。 是什麼樣的態度讓這位服務生改變了他生涯的命運?毋庸置疑的是他遇到了「貴人」,可是如果當天晚上是另外一位服務生當班,會有一樣的結果嗎? 經營人脈的「脈客」們苦心經營的無非是能在關鍵時候幫助我們的「貴人」,其實,「貴人」無處不在,人間充滿著許許多多的因緣,每一個因緣都可能將自己推向另一個高峰,不要輕忽任何一個人,也不要疏忽任何一個可以助人的機會,學習對每一個人都熱情以待,學習把每一件事都做到完善,學習對每一個機會都充滿感激,相信自己,我們就是自己最重要的貴人。 George Porter (George Boldt) - The first general manager of the Hilton Hotel This is happening in the United States a true story: a stormy night, an elderly couple walked into a hotel lobby, you want to stay a night. Helpless hotel night porter said: "very sorry, today's morning come to the meeting room has been booked groups. If the usual, I will send two to the case is not available to support the hotel, but I Once again, you can not imagine the exposure to the weather, why do not you stay in my room? Although it is not luxurious suites, but still very clean, because I have to watch that I can stay in office break. " Very sincere young man made this suggestion. Elderly couple generous accepted his proposal, and apologize for any inconvenience caused by the waiter. The next day the storm, the old man to go the checkout counter last night is still the waiter, the waiter remained cordial, said: "Yesterday your living room is not the hotel rooms, so we will not take your money, but also hope you sleep well last night with his wife! " Old man nods of approval: "You are the dream of every hotelier staff, maybe another day I can help you build towers hotel." A few years later, he received a registered letter sent sir, the letter said that what happened the night wind and rain, and also attached an invitation letter and a return ticket in New York, invited him to New York a visit. In Manhattan, a few days after the arrival, the waiter at the 5th Street and 34th Street intersection encountered this year's visitors, is this intersection stands a magnificent new building, the old man said: "This is my cover for you Hotels, hope you come for me run, remember? " The waiter surprised inexplicable, speaking suddenly stammered: "You are not what conditions? Why did you choose me? Who are you in the end?" "My name is William Astor (William Waldorf Astor), I do not have any of the conditions, I said, you is what I dreamed of employees." This hotel is New York's most famous Waldorf Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, this hotel in 1931, opened in New York the ultimate status symbol of honor, but also the country's senior dignitaries visiting New York base of choice. At that time the waiter took the job that George Porter (GeorgeBoldt), a lay position Waldorf century push hands. Interpretation: What kind of attitude is let the waiter changed his career destiny? There is no doubt that he encountered "elegant", but if the evening is another one waiter on duty, there will be the same results? Business contacts of 'pulse off' is nothing more than their hard earned at a critical time to help our 'noble', in fact, 'elegant' everywhere, the world is filled with lots of karma, karma every one could push themselves to another peak, do not neglect any one person, do not neglect any one can help people the opportunity to learn for everyone to be enthusiastic to learn to do everything perfect, learning is grateful for every opportunity I believe that we are their most important and elegant.