








奧巴馬寫給女兒的信:停止在做的17件事(雙語珍藏版) 觀看人數:13709  






Life is short. It may feel like it takes forever sometimes, but thereality is that you live, and a short time later,you die. Ithappens so quickly, many people don』t even realize they had a lifeuntil it』s already over.


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1 停止懷疑自己 Stop Doubting Yourself 

If you don』t believe in yourself, nobody will. Success starts inyour mind, and if all you』re doing is putting yourself down andpredicting failure, it』ll become a self-fulfilling prophecy.Insteadof doubting yourself, think positively. Not only will you behappier and more successful, you』ll spread it to everyone aroundyou.

如果你自己都不相信自己,那沒人會相信你。成功源於你的頭腦,如果你所做的是不斷地看扁自己,預言著未來的失敗,這就真的會成為現實。與其懷疑自己,不如積極的考慮問題。不僅會讓自己更加開心和成功,你還能夠感染到周圍的人。2 停止消極 Stop Being Negative 

Now that you』re done doubting yourself,stop doubting others. Youdon』t like when people are critical of you, so stopbeing criticalof others. Think about how you make other people feel – even if youhave good intentions, people don』t like hearing negativity.

現在你不要再懷疑自己了,也別再懷疑身邊的人。你不希望被人對你挑剔,那麼也不要再去挑剔身邊的人。想想你給別人帶來的什麼樣的感受吧——即使出發點是好的,別人也不想聽到那麼多消極的事情呀。3 停止拖延 Stop Procrastinating 

I don』t feel like procrastinating right now– I』ll do it tomorrow.When you procrastinate, you remain stagnant. Whateveryou』re puttingoff doesn』t go away; resolve the problem, and move on. You』llbemuch happier in the long run.


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一旦開始拖延,其實你已經停滯不前了。你拖延的事情不會自行解決。解決問題,繼續前行吧。從長遠角度來說你會更加快樂。4 不要那麼刻薄 Stop Being Mean 

It』s completely possible to step on someone』s toes without meaningto – it happens all the time. There』s no need topile on bypurposefully doing mean things, so make a conscious effort tostopbeing mean. If someone wrongs you, let it go. There』s no needto seek vengeanceunless that』s the type of person you want tobe.


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但沒必要去處心積慮地做一些不好的事情,所以要有意識地讓自己不要那麼刻薄。如果有人對你無理地對待,隨他們去好了。沒必要去報復,除非你也想成為那一類的人。5 不要在外吃飯 Stop Eating Out 

Eating out is the biggest waste of money.Every so often it』s niceto treat yourself, but eating out for every meal isthe quickest wayto drain your bank account. Learn how to cook at least ahandful offoods you enjoy: It』ll save you money, keep you healthier,andoccasionally impress people.

在外麵吃飯真的非常非常的浪費錢。也許每次對於你而言都是一次犒賞,但每頓都在外麵吃反而是花光積蓄的最快方式。至少也去學學怎麼做一些自己喜歡的菜:既能省錢,還能讓你更健康,還會讓其他人眼前一亮。6 不要再偷懶 Stop Being Lazy 

Lazy people are annoying – it』s likepulling teeth getting them todo anything. If I can』t do something as simple asgoing to a moviewith you without having to factor in an hour of convincing youtoget your lazy butt out of bed, I』d rather go alone. People haveenoughtrouble motivating themselves; don』t make your friends andfamily waste theirvaluable energy motivating you as well.

懶人真的很招人煩——得像趕驢磨墨一樣逼著他們做事情。如果我想跟你看一場電影,卻不得不花一個小時說服你起床,那我寧願一個人去看。給自己動力都不是件容易的事情,就別讓朋友和家人浪費寶貴的精力再來給你動力了吧。7 停止抱怨 Stop Complaining 

We all have problems, and sometimes we needto vent to someone.That』s acceptable, but pay attention to how often you』reventing. Weall love helping our friends and family, but when all you getfromsomeone is negativity, it』s easier to cut them off than help,especially ifthey』re always complaining about the samethings.


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這可以理解,但要注意你吐槽的頻率。我們都喜歡幫助朋友和家人,但如果從那個人身上我只能感知到負能量,那麼還是離得越遠越好吧,尤其是當他們在反覆抱怨同一件事的時候。8 別再那麼自私 Stop Being Selfish 

If you only think about yourself, you』llsoon find yourself byyourself. Stop for a minute and think about how youractions affectother people – did you take the last cup of coffee from thebreakroom? Refill it! Do you live with others? Don』t drink out themilkcarton. We share this world 100% of the time, so every actionyou take canaffect other people.

如果你只考慮你自己,那麼很快你會發現身邊只剩下你自己。停一分鐘想想你的行為會給別人帶來什麼影響吧——你是不是從休息室拿了最後一杯咖啡?再倒滿呀!你是不是和別人合租?不要喝光所有的牛奶,這個世界是一個完全由大家分享的世界,你所做的每件事都會影響到別人。9 別再浪費時間 Stop Wasting Time 

If you only think about yourself, you』llsoon find yourself byyourself. Stop for a minute and think about how youractions affectother people – did you take the last cup of coffee from thebreakroom? Refill it! Do you live with others? Don』t drink out themilkcarton. We share this world 100% of the time, so every actionyou take canaffect other people.

如果你只考慮你自己,那麼很快你會發現身邊只剩下你自己。停一分鐘想想你的行為會給別人帶來什麼影響吧——你是不是從休息室拿了最後一杯咖啡?再倒滿呀!你是不是和別人合租?不要喝光所有的牛奶,這個世界是一個完全由大家分享的世界,你所做的每件事都會影響到別人。10 別再做承諾 Stop Making Promises 

Always under-promise and over-deliver. Whenyou make a promise,you』re adding responsibility to your plate that, despiteall yourbest intentions, you may not be able to deliver on. More oftenthannot, your promise is an absolute (i.e 「I promise I』ll alwayslove you」), and onlySith deal in absolutes. Instead of making apromise with your words, simply bethere when people need you, andexceed their expectations with your actions.


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11 停止軟弱 Stop Being a Pushover 

We live in a capitalistic society in which everyone』s trying tosell us something. Everyone』s looking out for themselves in one wayor another, and you need to do the same. Stop putting yourself outbecause you』re too shy to say no.


12 不要聽懷恨者的話 Stop Listening to Haters 

No matter what you want to do in life,there』s always someone aroundto tell you why it can』t and won』t work. I cancome up with millionsof reasons Twitter won』t work, and yet it』s one of themost popularsocial media sites on the web. My opinion didn』t stopTwitter』ssuccess any more than it convinced Kobe Bryant to quit theNBA or Josh Hartnettto stop acting. Why would you let someone』sopinion stop you?

無論你想幹什麼,總會有人告訴你不要這麼做,沒有用的。我可以想出成百萬條推特不實用的理由,但它還是網際網路上最流行的社交網站之一。我的想法不會阻止推特的成功,就像你無法勸科比退出NBA或喬什·哈奈特不要當演員了一樣"都毫無意義ど那鴖為什麼要讓別䴡的想汈阻止你呢?13 停止浪費 Stop Being Wasteful 

You don』t finish your meals,and away food instead. You leave thefaucet running when you brush your teeth,pouring precious waterdown the drain. You drive places you could easily walk,burninggasoline (a non-renewable resource)。 You are wasteful,and it needsto stop.

你飯沒吃完,然後扔掉食物;刷牙的時候還開著水龍頭,就讓寶貴的水嘩嘩的流走;明明可以走到的地方你偏要開車,燃燒汽油(無法再生資源)。如果你浪費了,那就趕緊停止這一惡習。14 不要亂扔垃圾 Stop Littering The only thing I hate more than wastefulpeople are litterbugs. Litterbugs are my least favorite bug, andthere are more than you』d think. If you』ve ever thrown even onepiece of gum, paper, candy wrapper, cigarette butt, etc on theground, you』re a disgusting litterbug, and you should be ashamed ofyourself. There are over 7 billion people in the world– if eachperson only throws one 「innocent」 piece of garbage on the ground,that』s 7 billion pieces of garbage littering a world in whichnobody 「did it」。

唯一一個讓我覺得比浪費的人更可惡的就是垃圾蟲。垃圾蟲最讓我厭惡,而且數量比你想的多很多。如果你曾扔過一塊口香糖、一張紙、糖果包裝、菸蒂,那麼你就是噁心的垃圾蟲。你應該感到羞愧。世界上有超過70億的人——如果每個人都「無辜的」扔一點垃圾,那麼全世界就會變成70億垃圾場,而找不到「罪魁禍首」。15 別把每件事太往心裡去 Stop Taking Everything Personally 

People get offended about the strangestthings. Take KendrickLamar』s now-infamous verse on 「Control」 thissummer: he called out alist of a dozen rappers he thinks he』s betterthan (and he』s right)。The internet went crazy, and rappers all over the industry rushedtotheir mics to record a response. The thing is, all K-Dot said ishe』s thebest rapper. Everyone took it personally, and that』sexactly what he was goingfor. The lesson to learn from this is thatnot everything is about you, and ifyou』re easily upset, someonewill use that to their advantage.

人們會因為一些奇怪的事情感到被侵犯。就拿KendrickLamar這個夏天備受爭議的歌曲《Control》為例:他在歌詞中挑釁了一些他認為比他弱的說唱歌手(的確是這樣),一石激起千層浪,整個說唱界的歌手都蜂擁錄歌作為回擊。重點在於,所有的人都認為自己是最好的說唱者,每個人都更看重自己,這就是他的目的所在。這件事教給我們的無非就是不是所有的事都要圍著你轉,如果你是玻璃心,有人會利用這一點。16 不要再說話了 Stop Talking 

Sometimes it』s best to just STFU –especially in relationships. Ican』t even count how many times I created anissue that didn』t needto be an issue simply because I opened my mouth. Even ifwhat youwant to say is important, just shut up and ride it out. You cansaymore with your actions than words, and you can』t listen whenyou』re talking.

有時候沉默是金——特別在情侶關係裏。我都記不清到底多少次因為說錯話引發了本可以避免的爭端。即使你想說的非常重要,那也閉嘴,自行消化。你可以用行動證明一切,畢竟你自己說話的時候是聽不見的。17 停一下,深呼吸吧 Just Stop, and Breathe… 

No matter what you』re doing in life or howyour day is going,there』s always room to just stop for a moment and justbreathe. Tryit right now to celebrate getting through this list ofeverythingyou』re doing wrong.









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